The Holiday Juggle
Phew, the holidays are over. YEs I mean that, I find holidays extremely hard work. I have 2 boys of school age and am running a busy photography business in London and I find holidays so much of a juggle that I invariably get swamped until the term starts again.
So here I am finally getting down to work after the hols, because I go to emergency measures during the school holidays where all I do is the photos shoots and the images processing, which leaves the rest of the business to rot until term starts again. All the website, blogs, SEO, marketing gets left until I have some head space to make it happen. For me the only good things about the holidays are the lie ins. Not that I get up very late, but it usually means I can get up about 7.30am instead of 6.30am during term time, and that extra hour makes all the difference. But the guilt of being on the computer when my children are bored downstairs eats away at my ability to get anything done. I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling, it seems to me either you are like me and thrilled at the kids return to school or you are devastated at the loss of your children to term time ..frankly I find my children hard work at the best of times and so don't really understand that latter feeling. Maybe if you had girls who are engaging and play on their own, but with boys who are full on the whole time and who can't seemingly do anything without you to play with them.
Enough of a rant, it's great to have some space, even if my cat is trying to get my attention and sitting on my keyboard...grrrr
Newborn Photographers in Chelsea beware.
Susan Porter-Thomas LSWPP Children's photographer London