Monday, 20 June 2011

Location shoot with Henri, third photo shoot in 18 months

This is now the 3rd time I've met Henri for a photo shoot as his mother Joanne decided on a 3 shoot deal when he was born, and having already done a pregnancy photoshoot it was so great to watch little Henri grow over the last 18 months.  He's got the best eyes in the business and his hair seems to be growing vertically which is sooo cute!!
We decided to go to Holland Park for this shoot, which is a brilliant place for photography..lots of places for little people to explore and run around.  I've done family photo shoots here loads of times to great effect..

I have to say I was slightly worried when we arrived, as Henri nearly threw up in the car from travel sickness..not a great start.  But we took in gently and he soon forgot his stomach and started playing with sticks..(well done Mummy!!)..

We spent about an hour pottering around hiding, looking at peacocks, climbing, spotting squirrels etc..he was just gorgeous and terribly animated when he wants to tell you something.